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An introduction to hgh – your master hormone !

The following article is meant to provide comprehensive information on human growth hormone. What is it, how it works, why you should know about it and what relevant steps to take.

What do you mean by Hormone?

This is a chemical substance which gets produced in one organ or even in any part of the body and is later carried through the blood to a different organ or other part where the functional effects are exerted.
Depending upon its specific effects, hormones can even alter its functional activity including its structure, at times with just one tissue or organ or even with many number or tissues or organs. There are formations of various hormones through ductless glands.
The exact definition of hormones has been “chemical substances which are produced by cells & acts upon neighboring cells (i.e. paracrine function) including similar cells that are used to form them (i.e. autocrine function).”
When they begin to reach their destination, these hormones fasten onto areas within the surface of their target cell called receptors, where they provoke a particular activity. Hormones are found in almost all parts of a human body and they are actively involved right from sexual functioning upto reproduction of a child, growth, development, metabolism & even mood.
It is the endocrine glands that actually produce hormones. Some of the most important endocrine glands that produce hormones are the pituitary gland, thyroid, adrenals, thymus, pancreas, testes and ovaries.
The pituitary gland is the most important gland for the production of hormones mainly because it is situated in the center of a human brain and is often known as the master gland mainly due to the fact that this gland control releasing of many of the human body’s hormones.

HGH – The human growth hormone

HGH is an abbreviation for the term Human Growth Hormone which is a hormone produced in human body by the pituitary gland. It was uncovered approximately 50 years ago, but it was in the 1970s that scientists truly determined the job of HGH. For those in-middle years, HGH continued to be an enigma. While it had been isolated in the human body, it was largely a strange substance.
The growth hormone exists at high levels during adolescence when the growth of tissues is promoted. On entering maturity, levels of Growth Hormone decrease, but remain present at a much lower level.
Growth hormone decreases with age in every single animal group that’s been examined thus far. In human beings, the levels of growth hormone after age 21-31 falls around 14 % for every 10 years, the entire 24 hour growth hormones secretion rate is definitely reduced by 50 % by the age of 60. In mathematical values, we develop every day about five hundred micrograms at 20 years of age, two hundred micrograms at 40 years, and twenty-five micrograms at 80 years old.

What are your growth hormone levels ?

Incase you wish to check the level of growth hormones in your body; the best method is to measure the plasma IGF-1 level.
It is IGF-1, rather than growth hormone by itself, which could differ greatly throughout the day, that is utilized as a measurement regarding the amount of the hormone has been released from the body.
IGF-1 is specifically in charge of the majority of the actions identified with hgh. Today under inspection as a distinct drug for several of the very same symptoms of growth hormone, IGF-1 might even end up being the hormone of choice .
If the plasma IGF-1 level is found to be lower than 350 IU, then it means that the patient is suffering from growth hormone deficiency. Research has proved that people who are within the age group of 20 years and 40 years, under 5% of the healthiest guys have been found to have less than 350 IU/litre of the IGF-1 level. Nevertheless it has all been seen that after the age of 60 years, 30% of the healthiest guys have been administered with lower levels of plasma IGF-1. And once a person crosses the age of 65 years, it has been found that about 50% of the people partly or fully lack the growth hormone.
This incidence of a drop in the levels of growth hormone is directly connected with the flabby, saggy, draggy, wrinkling, bulging creatures which each one of us find when we look at ourselves in the mirror as we age. People who have a lower level of growth hormone are seen to be aging at a faster rate and is clearly noticeable on their approach as compared to the other people of their age who might be looking younger than them.
Genes and high levels of exercise in their routine lifestyle have been found to cause a higher level of hgh secretion in the body and for a longer period of time. When a person loses his hormone over a period of time or when they begin to grow old, it appears like that they are facing menopause. In fact, males who have lost their hormone are also known to be called as ‘Andropause’ or ‘Somatopause’ which is comprehensively described as the mid-life crisis of an ageing male.
Natural human growth hormone (HGH) is regulated by other body processes and is released throughout life. Right from childhood until the person reaches into their early twenties, this hormone is accountable to ensure their regular growth and once the growth levels is complete which takes place at the age of 21 years; the pituitary gland inevitably starts to reduce the level of HGH which is actually released into the blood stream. This hormone plays a very important role even after a person completes 21 years of age and usually in case of normal individuals, one can find some level of HGH in their flowing blood which further controls various other body and metabolic processes.

Why you need to know about hgh ?

If you are someone in his 40s, there might be a number of motives behind why you must be looking for information on stuff like antiaging, acai berry, antioxidants, multivitamins supplements and so on. In my case it’s been the quest for perfect antiaging product or technique that could restore my vigor, vitality, energy and motivation.
Apparently there is an immediate link between the drop in HGH levels and the commencing of specific sophisticated physical changes that we all know come with aging.
A variety of research studies have exhibited how increasing hgh levels can be beneficial to health and well being in numerous ways. In fact, if aging is a disease, then “hgh” can well might be the cure.

HGH is “The Master Hormone” in your body

Aging and most of the health conditions caused by it develop as a result of decreasing amounts of human growth hormone (HGH), a substance naturally produced in the human body by your pituitary gland. Consider it the master hormone that’s like a band or orchestra leader. It orchestrates all of the other endocrine hormone functions in the body, such as your sex hormones.
It has been described by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and the International Hormone Society as the prime factor controlling the aging process.
If human growth hormone is like an orchestra conductor for the body, then the instruments that are played to support the conductor to make inspiring music are the range of “hgh releasers” which we’ll talk about later. Together with antioxidants and multi-vitamins, they produce the harmony of a healthy body and mind producing youthful vigor.
Many of us, right from the day we are brought into this world up to about age 25, generate good amount of growth hormones, and that’s what’s kept us young. It’s the answer to anti-aging and youth . Take into consideration the way you were within your early 20s. You can stay up through the night and cram for examinations. Or you might party the entire night, if it was your habit. You could drive across the nation a few weeks. Your sexual passion and performance level was generally high. You healed quickly from injuries. You felt as if you had endless energy and passion for life.
But as everyone knows, this youthful energy levels feeling does not keep going. Our physical structures generate less growth hormones over the years, which sets moving the aging process. Our own natural amounts of Human growth hormone drop by about 10 to 15 % for every decade, starting off around our mid-twenties, our peak yrs. When we’re in our forties and fifties, our decreased levels have grown to be clear since the signs of aging are there for everybody to see. With a smaller amount of this hormone within our bodies, we end up a lot more susceptible to serious health conditions, which become more common as the results of aging.
Growth hormone imposes its actions directly or indirectly by way of its intermediate insulin growth factors to each and every part of a human body. There is no part of a human body that can escape from its magical touch.
As we all know that growth hormone helps in increasing the size of the bones in the body of young children, it also helps in increasing the amount of tissues and organs in a human body.
It does not even spare the brain. A recently conducted study has even proved that growth hormone can help regenerate brain tissues that are damaged.
Those patients who are facing untreated GH-deficiency are seen to have –

  • an increased cardiovascular mortality,
  • reduction in the muscle strength,
  • unable to continuously exercise,
  • Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was found to be sub-normal,
  • renal plasma flow (RPF) was also found to be sub-normal,
  • sweat secretion gland was found to be defective,
  • thermoregulation was also found to be inconsistent,
  • reduced Basal metabolic rate (BMR) and energy expenditure,
  • metabolism of thyroid hormone was found to be abnormal,
  • myocardial function was found to be diminished and
  • there were also signs of clinical premature atherosclerosis.

The composition of the human body in growth hormone deficient people was found to be defective with an increase in the fat mass, a decrease in the lean body mass, visceral obesity, decrease in the ratio of muscle to fat, reduction in the volume of Extracellular fluid (ECF) and also reduction in bone mineral content (BMC).
In addition to the above, two independent groups documented affected psychological wellness weighed against those having normal hgh levels.
The effect that takes place because of growth hormones is not as exciting and instantenous when compared with some of the other hormones inside a human body.
Let us take an example – When there occurs a sudden drop in the levels of insulin in a human body, this can lead to insulin shock and which could eventually turn out to be devastating.
But a slight drop in the levels of growth hormone in a human body after they cross the age of 30 years or more can begin sending the body into slow decline which again if left unnoticed or untreated can lead to aging.
Why do we age, and can growth hormone extend the quantity as well as the quality of life? These are the questions that one should look at next and understand what really are the Hgh benefits.
People also contribute to accelerating the aging process with unhealthy lifestyles and the absorption of toxins from our environment. Some people eat at fast-food restaurants three times a week.
They take nonprescription and prescription drugs every day. They don’t exercise. They smoke. They don’t eat any, or enough, organic produce.
All of these things combine to have a negative effect on the human body and contribute to less growth hormone being produced.

Why and How our bodies produce growth hormone

Why don’t we go over some details about how and why human growth hormone gets produced by the body. It is crucial for you to know these things because you should never put anything into your body that you haven’t properly researched.
Some of this may sound technical. But continue reading. The benefit is worth it.
The Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis

The pituitary gland, which is the size of a large kidney bean at the base of the brain, generates the growth hormone that keeps people healthy and vital-giving the ability to grow, heal fast, and preserve a youthful appearance.
The pituitary gland is linked through a network of small red blood cells which are known as capillaries and is connected through another brain structure known as the hypothalamus. This is also called the command center in the brain.
The pituitary gland has 10 hormones to function and is similar to a ‘blind’ instrumental panel completely uninterested in what is exactly happening in the world outside. To get to know about the outside world, the gland hypothalamus functions and communicates with the world outside by receiving signals from the nervous system.
The size of this gland is just about 4 peas kept together; this hypothalamus gland completely controls the provocation of muscle fibers, growth of a human body through controlling of the growth hormone secretion, function of the thyroid gland, mammary glands, sleep center, appetite, emotions, heat production and finally the thermo regulation of a human body.
The Hypothalamic-pituitary axis manages all the activities of growth hormone, thyroid glands, the sex glands and even adrenal glands which in turn controls a human body’s stress reaction.
Adding to its significance, the Master Hormone also mobilizes fat stored for fuel and enhances protein synthesis. Because of this function, mature patients who receive the injectable form in replacement therapy lose body fat and gain muscle, even when treated for a short period of time.

That part of the brain called the hypothalamus, lying above the pituitary, directs a number of signals, including one called growth hormone releasing hormone (sometimes called GHRH).
At times, the hypothalamus generates somatostatin, a hormone that for the short term suppresses the production of HGH.
On command, in order to regulate the body’s growth, healing, and youthful characteristics, the hypothalamus shuts down somatostatin production, while also sending signals to the pituitary-commanding that it send bursts of active growth hormone into the body.
It surges into the blood stream for brief, sporadic periods, mostly during our deepest sleep, a limited time of rapid-eye movement, characterized by our most vivid dreams.
Meantime, the pituitary also secretes a number of other hormones, including prolactin, a thyroid stimulating hormone, a luteinizing hormone, a follicle-stimulating hormone, and an adrenal corticotropic hormone.
Once released into the bloodstream, the Master Hormone will last only a very short period of time, typically a half hour at most.
In those times, the liver plays an essential role in converting the initial growth hormone that it receives via the blood into another hormone-related substance, commonly known as insulin-like growth factor one, or IGF-l.
As the primary and active metabolite of human growth hormone, IGF-l works on primary endocrine organs such as the thyroid gland, the adrenal glands, and the gonads in both males and females.

How the Master Hormone Works Its ‘Magic’ ?

From the liver, IGF-1 moves to the body’s various tissues, giving organs, muscles, and bones the opportunity to grow from infancy through the young adult years.
These same growth-oriented factors enable the body to heal from wounds, while also keeping the muscles and skin firm and healthy looking.
To help keep the body from growing too much, the pituitary gland detects when maximum amounts of growth hormone are in the bloodstream, and at that point this vital gland closes production of the hormone. This also signals to the hypothalamus to stop making GHRH.
Physicians think about the injectable type of human growth hormone as natural rather than synthetic, since the body creates the same hormone.
The recombinant form of this hormone, produced in pharmaceutical laboratories, also gets a natural designation because pharmaceutical production companies make sure it is from genetic engineering. Occasionally, some physicians refer to such produced human growth hormone as rGH, the first letter designating “recombinant.”
At this point, it’s also wise to know that the Master Hormone is not a steroid. Unlike human growth hormone, steroids are heralded, and rightly so, as possibly damaging substances-especially when injected without proper supervision from a medical professional.
By far the most ample hormone created by the pituitary gland is human growth hormone. Pituitary cells known as somatotrophes generate growth hormone, that is called somatotrophin. Totally 50 % of the cells in the pituitary are generally somatotrophes.
The majority of growth hormone release occurs in quick bursts referred to as pulses which happen all through the early hrs on the deepest sleep. Certainly the old saying “you grow while you sleep” seems to have a rationale indeed.

Factors that regulate hgh production

The nervous system deals with the hypothalamus, which in turn regulates the pituitary somatotrophe (cells which usually discharge growth hormone) via 2 regulatory systems.
The central nervous system manages the hypothalamus, which generally regulates the pituitary somatotrophe (cells that discharge growth hormone) via 2 regulatory systems- GHRH (growth hormone-releasing hormone) that induces GH and somatostatin that prevents GH.
Emotional excitement, exercise, stress, and also dieting improve GH release, while weight problems as well as free fatty acids behave as inhibitors.
Integration of all of the factors which affect growth hormones synthesis as well as secretion result in a pulsatile design of release.
Basal levels of growth hormone within blood are very low. In kids and also young adults, probably the most significant duration of growth hormone release is soon after the beginning of deep sleep.

The health benefits of increasing your hgh levels

There are several health benefits associated with hgh, in fact growth hormone is connected to so many bodily processes that almost all the energy and vitality your youth exhibits can be credited to hgh.
In fact your older years are not as youthful simply because a decline in hgh levels. Benefits are just too many and here are some of the points –

  • Growth hormone can enhance immune system
  • Better skin health and Skin hydration
  • Growth hormone boosts energy
  • Growth hormone rejuvenates the bone marrow
  • HGH is great for Cardiovascular health
  • Helps in Extending the life span of cells
  • HGH works great for anti aging and weight loss

The New England Journal of Medicine which published Daniel Rudman’s (MD) clinical findings had regarded this Human Growth Hormone (HGH) on anti aging effects of HGH. The findings were surprising.
Other Human Growth Hormone (HGH) research & clinical findings which were performed for the past 30 years proved that HGH actually allow users to lose their body fat, builds their muscle mass, improves their sexual performances, removes wrinkles, eliminates cellulite and even increases the immune function when they are administered with intramuscular injections.
HGH is the main master hormone and is secreted through the pituitary gland that is mainly responsible for all direct and indirect balance of a human body’s hormone.
Also read why hgh declines with age and how it can affect your mind, body and overall health.


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